Τετάρτη 7 Οκτωβρίου 2020

Όσιος Ιωσήφ ο Ησυχαστής/ Παναγία Πλατυτέρα/ Όσιος γέροντας Εφραίμ - Saint Joseph the Hesyhast/ Panagia Platytera/ Elder Ephraim of Arizona

41x30cm - 15,7x11,8inch, egg tempera and gold leaf 23k.

 St. Joseph the Hesychast - Commemorated August 16 / 28th . 
Apolytikion in the Fourth Tone. O speedily hearken.
The offspring of Athos and the great adornment of Monks, * defender of ascesis, haven of silence and prayer, * our Father you were revealed to be, * through your life you showed us, Grace's ways of salvation, * saving through your entreaties those who faithfully pray to you. * And therefore intercede with the Lord, * O Righteous Father Joseph.

 On December 7th, 2019 at 10pm (Mountain Standard Time), Elder Ephraim fell asleep in the Lord at St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery in Florence, Arizona.

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